שמועות על חיסוני הפפילומה
- HPV Vaccines: Vaccinating Your Preteen or Teen – מתוך אתר ה-CDC
- HPV Vaccine Introduction Clearing House – מתוך האתר של ה-WHO
- HPV and Men – Fact Sheet – מתוך אתר ה-CDC
- How many cancers are linked with HPV each year? – מתוך אתר ה-CDC
- Kavanagh, K., Pollock, K. G. J., Potts, A., Love, J., Cuschieri, K., Cubie, H., … & Donaghy, M. (2014). Introduction and sustained high coverage of the HPV bivalent vaccine leads to a reduction in prevalence of HPV 16/18 and closely related HPV types. British journal of cancer, 110(11), 2804-2811. (תוכן המאמר)
- Baldur-Felskov, B., Dehlendorff, C., Munk, C., & Kjaer, S. K. (2014). Early impact of human papillomavirus vaccination on cervical neoplasia—nationwide follow-up of young Danish women. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 106(3), djt460. (תוכן המאמר).
- Garland, S. M. (2014). The Australian experience with the human papillomavirus vaccine. Clinical therapeutics, 36(1), 17-23. (תוכן המאמר)
- Hanley, S. J., Yoshioka, E., Ito, Y., & Kishi, R. (2015). HPV vaccination crisis in Japan. The Lancet, 385(9987), 2571. (תוכן המאמר)
- Fujii, T. (2015). Declaration to demand the resumption of recommendations for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for cervical cancer prevention. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 41(12), 1859-1860. (תוכן המאמר)